Q: May I leave the theatre during the show? 

A: If you must exit the theatre before a scheduled break, please do so as quickly and quietly as possible.

Re-admission to the theatre will occur at the discretion of the house manager.

At some performances, especially those performances without an intermission, patrons who leave the theatre prior to the end of the performance may not be able to be re-admitted to the theatre.

Round House Theatre reserves the right to refuse admission to anyone.

Q: May I record or take photos of the performance? 

A: Camera and recording devices are not allowed in the theatre. Use of such devices may result in ejection without refund.

Q: What happens if my performance is cancelled? 

A: Round House reserves the right to make schedule and production changes at any time. When possible, we will contact all ticket holders regarding the cancellation of a specific performance. Please make sure to provide a phone number or email address when ordering to ensure we can reach you.

Q: May I use my cell phone during the performance? 

A: You are welcome to use your cell phone to read our digital program before the show or during intermission. However, please turn off all cell phones, pagers, watches, and other electronic devices once the show begins. 

Please don’t text during the performance—it is distracting to actors and audience members alike.

Please remember to turn your devices off at the end of intermission.

Q: May I bring my child to a show at Round House? 

A: Children under the age of 4 will not be admitted to performances at Round House.

All patrons, including children, must have a ticket in order to be admitted.

House Management may ask patrons (including children and their parents) who create a disturbance to leave the theatre. There are no refunds or exchanges for patrons who are asked to leave the theatre.

Q: What happens if I'm late to a show? 

A: Round House performances begin promptly at the appointed time.

Latecomers will be seated solely at the discretion of the house manager at the designated late seating break.

Latecomers will be seated in the nearest available seats and will be permitted to move to their regular seats at intermission.

No refunds will be issued to latecomers.

Q: Is there a dress code at Round House?

A: There’s no dress code at Round House. Generally, we advise patrons to avoid wearing their fanciest tuxedoes or their most hole-ridden clothes. Anything falling between those extremes is usually alright when attending a play at Round House.

Many patrons dress in business casual for regular performances and in formal business attire for Opening Nights. It’s your choice!

Q: May I eat in the theatre?

A: No food is allowed in the theatre. Drinks in non-glass containers with tops are allowed.