Create Your Legacy

Did you know there are creative ways to support Round House Theatre? Ways in which Round House, you, and your loved ones all benefit? Such techniques are called planned gifts because they are established as a part of estate planning. Planned gifts create win-win solutions for you and Round House.

It’s easier than you think!                   

  • These gifts cost you nothing now.
  • You can shape the future of the theatre you love for generations to come.
  • You can change your beneficiaries at any time.
  • You can leave a gift in honor or memory of someone special.
  • You choose the amount; there is no minimum contribution required.
  • Your gift can remain anonymous, if you choose.

Consider the many appealing ways to give wisely including gifts from your will or trust, from your retirement plan, gifts of stock and appreciated assets or gifts or life insurance.  These gifts don’t impact your current lifestyle or your family’s security but do help secure Round House Theatre’s ability to produce ambitious productions of outstanding plays.

Street 70 Legacy Society

All donors who express their commitment to Round House Theatre through a planned gift become members of the Street 70 Legacy Society.  Your membership involves no dues, obligations, or solicitations, but it does allow us to thank you and recognize you for the plans you have made, and it may inspire generosity in others. Benefits of membership in the Street 70 Legacy Society also include invitations to special events and programs.  Once you complete your estate plans, please let us know by contacting Michael Barret Jones at 240.670.8795 or

Thank you to the following Street 70 Legacy Society members who have generously included Round House Theatre in their estate plans.

Rachel H.M. Abraham
Nan Beckley
Don and Jan Boardman
Diane Boehr
James Burks and Bette Pappas
Marty* and Belle Negrin Davis
Gilbert and Rona Eisner
Laura Forman and Richard Bender
Helene Freeman
Steven Garron
Ann and Frank* Gilbert
Susan Gilbert and Ron Schechter
Jay and Robin Hammer
Linda Lurie Hirsch
Cheryl C. Kagan
Renee Klish
Dana and Ray Koch
Seth and Barbara Koch
Bruce and Ann Lane
Darrell Lemke and Maryellen Trautman
Geri Olson
Dylan Nathaniel Parham
Sally J. Patterson
Linda Ravdin and Don Shapero
Linda Ryan
Henry Schalizki*
Mark and Merrill Shugoll
Pamela and John Spears

*in memoriam