EDIA Training for Artists and Staff
Round House is a Theatre for Everyone. We enrich our community through bold, outstanding theatrical and educational experiences that inspire empathy and demand conversation.
“The journey of this work for Round House will only move as fast as the slowest absorber of this information moves. We hope that your learning will move at a pace that supports this organization and the people it desires to include. To that end, you are free to progress through this self-guided curriculum at whatever pace suits you. We hope this packet will inspire you to dive deeper into unpacking and relearning, so that you can be an active part of Round House's endeavor to become more and more anti-racist, inclusive, and knowledgeable.” -Michael J. Bobbit
This EDIA training is based off of an Anti-Racist training consulted on for Round House by Michael J. Bobbit in 2021. Round House’s EDIA Workgroup has since tried to expand this content to not only include anti-racist education but to open the doors to the true intersectionality of our workplace. We would like to acknowledge that this training is still in development and is a living document (most recently updated in September 2024). Once you have finished this training, please submit the form at the end to complete onboarding with Round House.
If you’d like to know more about Round House’s journey with Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility, and how we integrate these values into our programming, education, and workplace, please visit our website here. If you have comments, questions, or suggestions for this training or any aspect of EDIA at Round House, please get in touch with us at EDIA@RoundHouseTheatre.org
The total time of this training is approximately 3 hours and 20 minutes.
📺Watch “How to Be an Anti-Racist" by Ibrahim X. Kendi (1:50 min)
📺Watch “Before You Call the Cops” by Tyler Merritt (3:06 min)
📖Read “How White Fragility Reinforces Racism” from The Guardian (~3 min)
📺Watch “Racism is Real—Systematic Racism Explained” by Brave New Films (3:04 min)
📺Watch “Latinos on Race” from The New York Times: (6:41 min)
📺Watch “My Experience Of Internal Racism in the South Asian Community” from BBC The Social (5:07 min)
📖Read Power & Privilege chart (~10 min)
📺Watch “Intersectionality 101" from Learning for Justice (3:03 min)
📺Watch “The Urgency of Intersectionality” TED Talk by Kimberle Crenshaw (18:49 min)
📺Watch “Multiracial American Voices: Identity” from the PEW Research Center (3:14 min)
📺Watch “What is Cultural Appropriation” from PBS (10:15 min)
📖Read “What Does Cultural Appropriation Really Mean?” by Ligaya Mishan for The New York Times (~18 min)
📖Read “Keep Your Hands Off My Kimono, White People” by Diep Tran for American Theatre (~8 min)
📺Watch “An Everyday Dimension of Racism: Why We Need to Understand Microaggressions” by Keele University (6:35 min)
📖Read “Examples of Verbal and Nonverbal Microaggressions” from the City of Cambridge (~7 min)
📖Read “Conflict De-Escalation Techniques” from HSI (~5 min)
📖Read “What to do if you Witness a Bias Attack” from DNA Info (~6 min)
📺Watch and 📖Read “Don’t Be a Bystander: 6 Tips for Responding to Racist Attacks” Barnard Center & Project NIA (~4 min)
📖Read “What Racial Trauma Does to the Body and Brain” from The Huffington Post (~9 min)
📖Read “Self-Care for BIPOC: Black, Indigenous, and People of Color & Tips for Allies” by Natalie Rice-Thorp, PhD (~4 min)
📖Read “Coping with and managing racial trauma” from Grand Valley State University
📖Read “Celebrating Black Joy As An Alternative Form of Resistance and Reclaiming of Humanity” by Kim Pham (~6 min)
Once you have viewed or read all the above, please be sure to complete the form at the link here (via Microsoft Forms) to certify your completion of the orientation.
Please do not forget this step, or we will not have a record of your participation.
As Round House implements this orientation, your feedback would be a valuable addition to our process. The above form includes a few questions on how you felt about this process, but you can also provide feedback directly to the Round House EDIA Staff Workgroup at EDIA@RoundHouseTheatre.org.
📺Watch “How to be an Ally” by Franchesca Ramsay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dg86g-QlM0&t=1s
📺Watch “Why Does Privilege Make People So Angry?” by Franchesca Ramsay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeYpvV3eRhY
📺Watch Starbucks and Racial Bias: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDPTVEqkGa4&list=WL&index=93
📺Watch “Ending White Supremacy Requires White People to Realize Black Liberation Isn’t A ‘Zero Sum Game’” from The Root: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VD53NBeh8U
📺Watch “Op-Ed: Amy Cooper and the Power of White Supremacy” from NowThis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceFK5S7ACs4
📺Watch “Black Self/ White World” TED Talk by Jabari Lyles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HF5K3J_Z8nk
📖Read “Bystander Action 3 Module” from Racism No Way: https://racismnoway.com.au/get-involved/bystander-action/
📖Read “’Ism Interrupters: 3 Easy Phrases for Newbie Anti-Racists and Allies” by Ashley Cleland: https://medium.com/afwp/ism-interrupters-3-easy-phrases-for-newbie-anti-racists-allies-3ea006e21d91
📖Read “Bystander Intervention Toolkit” from American Friends Service Committee: https://afsc.org/bystander-intervention-toolkit
📖Read “The Difference Between Racism and Colorism” by Lori L. Tharps: https://time.com/4512430/colorism-in-america/
📖Read “The Battle to Be Me: How Internalized Racism Impact People of Color in America” by Reggie Jackson: https://www.milwaukeeindependent.com/featured/battle-internalized-racism-impacts-people-color-america/
📺Watch “Let’s Talk About Skin Whitening and Colorism” by Asia Jackson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvQGRbslfKc
📖Read “What Being a Hispanic/Latino Means to Me and How it Has Influenced My Working and Personal Life” by various authors: https://www.martindale.com/legal-news/article_duane-morris-llp_2534335.htm
📖Read “5 Girls on Why They’re Proud to Be Native American” from Teen Vogue: https://www.teenvogue.com/video/watch/5-girls-on-why-they-re-proud-to-be-native-american
📖Read “Attributes of our Arab Culture, Making Us Proud” by Shayma Amour: https://www.arabamerica.com/attributes-of-our-arab-culture-making-us-proud/
📖Read “Stay Proud: Being Asian American is a Good Thing” by Alicia Del Prado, PhD: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/speaking-the-heart/202005/stay-proud-being-asian-american-is-good-thing
📖Read “Ten Tips for Putting Intersectionality into Practice”: https://opportunityagenda.org/messaging_reports/ten-tips-for-intersectionality/
📺Watch “Kimberlé Crenshaw ‘What is Intersectionality?’”from the National Association of Independent Schools: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViDtnfQ9FHc
📺Watch “If Microaggressions Happened to White People” by Franchesca Ramsay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPRA4g-3yEk
📺Watch “Emotionally Restorative Healing – Black People – People of Color” from Brandi Jackson Wellness: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GuLT_YQLGF8
📖Read “Coping with Racial Trauma” by Brit Moorer: https://www.king5.com/article/news/community/facing-race/coping-with-racial-trauma/281-d3a90d36-97f2-4a42-8da1-dc4cdb0396ac
📖Read “Racial Trauma and its Effects on People and Communities” from Grand Valley State University: https://www.gvsu.edu/counsel/racial-trauma-management-and-self-care-workshop-module-365.htm
📖Read “7 Self-Care Tips for BIPOC Employees”: https://www.facebook.com/FarahHarrisLCPC/videos/364078551508023/
📖Read “How You Can Honor the Radical History of Self-Care" by Martha Tesema: https://advice.theshineapp.com/articles/how-you-can-honor-the-radical-history-of-self-care/
📺Watch “What is Black Joy and Why Do We Need It in Our Lives?” from BBC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQlEpjZXfRU